Only a select handful of my loyal clients will get the opportunity to work with me and learn the secrets of hitting longer drives.
You will learn how to hit the ball straighter and up to 40 yards Longer, time after time.
Dear Friend,
You’d be right to be curious, maybe even a little sceptical… but if you want to drive the golf ball longer and straighter than you ever thought possible, then you’re going to find this really exciting.
Here’s why:
I’m looking for 5 clients who already play golf but want to take their game to the next level...
And if you’re that client, my team and I will personally work with you to help you increase your driving distance by at least 40 yards and improve your overall accuracy in just SIX weeks…
And here’s where it gets interesting;
That’s because we're going to help you build a powerful, repeatable golf swing, which produces phenomenal results that will leave you and your golfing buddies speechless.....
And it will only take us six weeks to achieve.
Next time teeing it up with your regular playing partners that normally out-drive you and then smashing it 40 yards past them with ease.....
And then imagine repeating this, for the remaining 17 holes.
I will show you the very same system that I used to increase my club head speed from a modest 109 mph to a spectacular 133 mph, in just 6 weeks....
Through this program, you will improve;
For every 1mph increase in club head speed, you will see up to 2.5 to 3 yards increase in distance.
So..... Just a modest 10 mph increase in club head speed could leave you standing another 30 yards further down the fairway from your drive.
And I Want YOU To Be Part Of This Exclusive Group!
"Now after listening to you and following the program, My average drive in a round is in the high 280s to 290 and my farthest drive to date so far is 320! I mean seeing these results speak for themselves. I’m no longer struggling with a constant slice, the only time I do slice it I feel it in my swing and know where I went wrong. I’m not playing a baby fade and just the explosion through the ball is unreal."
Amateur Golfer
This is a personalized on-line remote coaching program.
We use state of the art 3-D motion capture systems to analyse your technique and implement the required changes to achieve a massive increase in both clubhead speed and driving distance.
We will then put together a bespoke 6-week program including drills and practice plans, allowing you to implement the required changes to put your driving distance through the roof.
We use Motion2Coach 3-D motion capture software to analyse key metrics of your golf swing such as the kinematic sequence and ground force reaction.
We also use Sportsbox A.I. 3-D analysis software. We can measure every metric of your swing highlighting the speed leaks and quick wins for improving distance and accuracy.
We use Sportsbox A.I. 3-D analysis software for your 3-D swing analysis. We can measure every metric of your swing highlighting the speed leaks and quick wins for improving distance and accuracy.
We will assess the kinematic sequence of your swing to highlight the speed leaks and area’s for improvement.
We can measure;
We use Sportsbox A.I. 3-D analysis software to identify the speed leaks and area’s for improvement using the numbers below;
The maximum speed achieved by the pelvis rotation in the downswing.
The maximum speed achieved by the chest rotation in the downswing.
The maximum speed achieved by the lead arm in the downswing.
The maximum speed achieved by the club shaft in the downswing.
It's a no brainer right?
We were all there at one point, too... and that’s why I created my Long Drive Program results guarantee: I will provide a personal guarantee that if you are not happy with any part of the programme, then I will provide you with a full refund in full.
I will also guarantee that you will increase your driving distance by at least 40 yards in the next 6-weeks.
Increased average driving distance from 257.6 yards to 309.3 yards and increased his average clubhead speed from 98.2 mph to 110.5 mph. He also achieved a fastest clubhead speed of 116.1 mph (all measured on TrackMan).
Rick managed to increase his driving distance by 64 yards (measured on TrackMan).
Reg managed to increase his average driving distance by 42.02 yards (measured on TrackMan).
Increased his total driving distance by 39.8 yards (measured on TrackMan)
If you think that this is the right programme for you, then simple register by clicking the link below and we will get in touch to discuss we how we are going to transform your golf game and hit the longest drives of your life.
If you are ready to discuss this game changing programme, then click below and enter your details to get started.
Once we have a chance to talk, one of these things will most likely happen:
#1 You love the plan and ask to become a client so we can help you execute, maximize, and transform your game ASAP.
If that’s the case, we’ll literally knock it out of the park ...And that’s a promise. You will be hitting enormous, straight drives in just six weeks.
#2 In the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like you've wasted your time, you can walk away with nothing lost. No questions asked. Your time is the most valuable asset you have, and I respect that.
This programme is not designed for everyone and will only suit those who want to see substantial results in the shortest possible time. Anybody can achieve these results regardless of age, athletic ability or gender but you must be willing to put in the work and stay the course.
My time is valuable and I get approached by a lot of clients who desire to work with me for game changing results and I only want to invest my time in people who are willing to make the required changes.
As far as I am aware, no other instructor in the industry will guarantee results as remarkable as these.
That is why this is a limited availability programme and I am limiting the number of available spaces.
I am giving my current loyal clients and mailing list subscribers, the opportunity to get in first by giving you an early heads up on this amazing offer.
After that, this course will go live to the public, although I imagine that all slots will be scooped up by my mailing list subscribers before the official launch.
My straight forward no “BS” approach provides my personal clients with outstanding results very quickly.
My coaching programmes tend to be in very high demand and sell out quickly.
I have large mailing list of current personal clients and I know that this programme will be snapped up very quickly.
So .....
If the thought of 40 extra yards on your drives and more fairways hit is appealing, then please express an interest immediately and I will be happy to reserve your spot.
Hope to see you on the programme.
Warmest regards,
Greg Smith
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